DNA test:

Dna is your blueprint and can point to underlying predispositions that may need additional support. This test will be discussed in your initial consulation.

Organic acid or metabolics test:

Organic acids measure the metabolites or end products of your metabolism. They are excellent for assessing how your body actually processes food and what nutrients may be lacking in order for you to function more optimally, or whether you have a biological system needing metabolic support..

Dried urine hormone test:

Dried urine is a very stable sample and is excellent for assessing the metabolites of the hormones we see in the blood. This tests answers what your body is actually doing with the hormones and can pinpoint biological areas that need additional support in order for your hormones to be healthy.

Toxic-Metals Test:

Heavy metals in the environment can enter the body through air, water, and food. Once inside, they can cause a host of ills. We can test hair or urine. If you choose the urine test, this requires the patient to drink a chelating agent (a substance that binds to heavy metals and moves them out of the body through urine). Over a six- to 24-hour period, urine is collected and sent to the lab to be screened for lead, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals. (Cost: variable – please enquire about selection)

Comprehensive Thyroid testing:

The pituitary gland secretes thyroid-stimulating hormones (TSH for short) to help the body regulate — you guessed it — the thyroid. Many people suffer from either an overactive or under active thyroid. This test will give your provider a sense of your overall hormonal health. (Cost: variable – please enquire about selection)

Digestive Analysis:

Used primarily to identify gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease, this test also reveals the health of the gut’s ecology (good and bad bacteria levels). The analysis detects yeast, parasites, and toxins that cause antibiotic-associated diarrhea and can trigger auto immune disease. The GI map can also measure Zonulin, the marker for leaky gut as well as checking inflammatory markers and markers of digestion and detoxification, the SIBO breath test checks for bacterial overgrowth in the small intestines that can cause intense bloating (Cost: variable – please enquire about selection)

Mycotoxins & Mould:

All options are available to assess Mycotoxins as well as your immune response to a variety of moulds.

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